Dysmenorrhea in relation to PMS
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

The Ins And Outs Of Dysmenorrhea

Dysmenorrhea is painful periods that women experience during their menstruation, affecting almost 80% of women, dysmenorrheal can be classified into primary and secondary types. Primary dysmenorrheal are the most common and normal pain period among women regardless of age bracket and has no medical reasons that trace back to its cause. Secondary dysmenorrheal on the other hand rarely attacks women and when it attacks women during their menstruation period happens only to older women. Dysmenorrhea affects the physical conditions of women that it limits their physical activities during menstruation. This is also the reason why men find women during their monthly period so difficult to relate with. And for women, there is no worst period of their life than having to go through PMS before their menstruation period and dysmenorrheal during their menstruation period. Thus, men must be aware of the symptoms of dysmenorrheal and PMS as well, while women must know the ways to relieve themselves of the pain and suffering brought about by these to conditions.

Symptoms of Dysmenorrhea

The most common of dysmenorrheal is a painful cramping experience in the abdominal area. This pain causes adverse effect on the overall condition of women that it affects their emotions and physical feelings as well. This pain often spreads around the thigh area and the lower back of the body. Worst cases of dysmenorrhea are also accompanied by other sickness such as vomiting, constipation, headache and even diarrhea. The gravity of pain varies depending on age bracket. Teen-age or adolescent girls feel the worst effect of dysmenorrheal and improve only as they age. Dysmenorrhea has been irritating physical conditions for women that majority of them could not control themselves when they have it that it affects their daily activities tremendously. Thus, women suffering from the discomfort brought about by dysmenorrheal continuously used various methods of controlling its adverse effect.

Treatment of dysmenorrhea

Lacking the medical explanation or medical history that would trace the causes and the control of dysmenorrheal, medical treatment for it has been focused on easing the pain felt by women. There are available medicines that can help fight the effects of dysmenorrheal and prescription for these drugs and other medical treatment can be sought from physicians. Some pain relieving over-the-counter drugs can be taken in when having dysmenorrheal although their effects may vary at times. Ibuprofen and mefenamic acids are the most common pain relievers prescribed by doctors. These pain killers must be taken regularly during the period of attacks of dysmenorrheal.

Aside from these pain killers, contraceptive pills are also recommended since these pills prevents ovulation during menstrual period which in turn reduces pain brought about by dysmenorrheal. The use of contraceptive pills is widely accepted by women, especially those who are observing some family planning program. Contraceptive pills do not only relieve them of the pain, but also helps them in fulfilling their family planning program activities.

These treatments if done together with moderate exercises can drastically reduce the pain felt by women suffering from dysmenorrheal. The use of hot packs or hot patches on painful abdominal area eases out the pain and can be used together with the pain killers.

Although effective in controlling the painful effects of dysmenorrheal, some women are still hesitant to take medicinal pain killers and contraceptive pills since they are afraid that this might affect their reproductive capacity. Or some women are allergic to those pain killers or worst some might have congenital problems that restrict them from taking pain killers.

Fortunately for these women who do not want to take pain killers to relieve the pain caused by dysmenorrheal, there are herbal products available in the market which help in the reduction of dysmenorrheal effects. These herbal products are made from various kinds of herb extracts and do not contain highly concentrated drug formulas that may have side effects on women’s bodies. Herbal products provide alternative natural remedy with a price competitive of traditional medicinal products. These herbal products are even good for the over all health conditions of women. Aside from relieving them of the pain and suffering, these herbal products developed for the treatment of dysmenorrheal symptoms, are also cheaper and do not have adverse side effects.

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